Saturday 24 January 2004:
Happy 2004! This website is now entering it's seventh year of being. Doesn't time fly!

Okay, so what has happened since the last news update (you are checking the forum for up to the minute news now aren't you? Hmm)?

The Interceptor massive (he he) met up again in November. Once again in Derbyshire we tried to track down the elusive Emperor lake and thought we had found it but it later transpired we were at the wrong lake. Ah well. Ian has since been back to Chatsworth and has taken some snaps of the proper lake and Martin's start position.

Which brings me on to - the new gallery. You can now view a selection of images both from the series itself and those contributed by forum members which includes shots of Chatsworth from Ian's recent visit. Visit

Over Christmas I also introduced a real time chat facility. We'll be arranging some webchats soon but it's worth dropping in from time to time - someone might be there lurking! :) Visit

What else? Oh yes! The reason why I'm updating this website! Sean has very kindly answered most if not all of the questions posed to him by forum members towards the tail-end of last year. The questions were posted to Sean shortly before Christmas and I received the answers back yesterday. Go to the Behind the Scenes section and click on the Sean O'Kane interview link. The interviews also contain some brand new images I've managed to grab from recent Challenge repeats so they are much higher quality than before.
