Interceptor Logo

Updated: 19 July, 2006 16:12    

At each episode location, the Interceptor had a base - his "lair".
During the opening sequences the Interceptor would be seen at his lair
from where he would set off once the clock started ticking.

As well as the familiar black helicopter G-MEAN, the rest of the
Interceptor's various modes of transport were usually on view.
occasion the Interceptor would return to the lair to choose a different
vehicle as the episode neared its conclusion.

The lairs were a varied collection of private dwellings, public houses,
National Trust properties, towers and halls.

Over the next few pages I've attempted to provide as much detail about
the buildings used as is available to me.

Should you intend visiting any of the private properties, please respect
the privacy of the owners and please do not trespass.

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