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Updated: December 13, 2005 14:28   

(Today - 20th July 1989)

Game's up for Croft and her couch courgettes

THOUGH I could still find a place in my heart for Postman's Knock, I have definitely outgrown Hunt The Thimble and Squeak Piggy Squeak.

The same unfortunately, can't be said for anyone taking part in last night's Interceptor - the show where grown men and women hunt for keys in beehives and race around the countryside squealing like ovulating porkers.

Now Interceptor, in case you missed it, is the very latest in a new genre of jolly jape, isn't this fun, gung-ho action game shows.

It is a kind of brother to ITV's series, Combat, and son of Channel 4's Treasure Hunt.

Mind you, Treasure Hunt was a show consisting mainly of watching Anneka Rice's buttocks arguing with each other as she ran down the country lanes and hung by her teeth from helicopters.

Interceptor, on the other hand, gives members of the public a chance to make complete rear ends of themselves.

Yes, on this occasion the focus of attention is the punter and not the personality - which is just as well, because in this case the personality happens to be former tennis star Annabel Croft, who has less personality than a tennis ball.

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